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Class 10- 402 Important question for Board Examination Web Application SET-3


Class 10- 402 Important questions

for Board Examination

Web Application


What do you mean by computer network?

A computer network is a collection of computers that allows sharing of resources and information.

What is P2P NETWORK?

P2P stands for peer-to-peer. A network in which all computers have an equal status is called peer-to-peer network.

What is a client-server network?

A network in which certain computer have special dedicated tasks, providing services to other computers (in a network) is called client-server network.


Difference between LAN and WAN.




It stands for Wide Area Network.

It connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area.

It connects computers and devices across regional or national boundaries.


Write four Key features of instant messaging.

  1.  Text messages can be sent
  2.   Audio Calling and conferencing
  3.   Video calling and conferencing
  4.   File Transfers.

How many types of instant messaging software are there? Explain with example.

There are two types of instant messaging software:

  1.  Application-based        
  2.  Web-Based

Application-based instant messaging software is downloaded and installed on User’s computer. Some of the popular instant messaging software are:

  1. Google talk
  2. Yahoo! Messenger
  3. Skype
  4. Windows live messenger


Web-based instant messaging software is accessed using brownser such as Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

Some of the pupular web-based instant messaging software are:

Yahoo! Messenger for web

MSN Web Messenger

IMO, etc.


What is COD interm of online shopping?

COD stands for cash n Delivery. It is a type of transaction in which a person pays the account of googd at the time of delivery.


Write four guideline for managing strong password.

  1. 1.       Keep the length of the passwords at least 12-14 characters, If permitted.
  2. 2.       Use capital and lower-case letters.
  3. 3.       Use at least one symbol.
  4. 4.       Avoid keeping passwords based on repetition, dictionary words.
  5. 5.       Avoid using the same password for multiple sites.


Why is it advised to clear browser cookies frequently?

Cookies are meant for storing data based on the activity performed during our earlier visit such as loging details, visited pages in website, etc.. which can be tracked by unauthorized users who can possibly gain access to our personal information.


What are the advantages of e-commerce applications?

The advantages of e-commerce applications include their round-the-clock availability, speed of access, wide availability of goods and services for the consumer, easy accessibility and international reach.

Write any four basic fire safety rules in an organization.

Four basic fire safety rules in an organization are:

  1. 1.       Fire escape plans must be installed at proper levels.
  2. 2.       Regular drill should be conducted.
  3. 3.       Smoke alarms must be placed at proper intervals.
  4. 4.       Workplace should be made a no-smoking zone.

Case based Questions and Competancy Based question will be uploaded soon. 



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