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Class 10/12 Database concept and SQL Query with important function

Hello friend this this article we will learn about basic concept of the database. Which is very helpful for Class 10 Subject Code : 402 (Information Technology) and Class 12 subject code : 065 (Informatics Practices ) This is section we will about what is DBMS and how data store in this system and which software are used to store data in this Database management system. later we will about more SQL query and other important SQL functions. Let start with the database definition. 

What is Database?

A database is a collection of interrelated data. It’s a collection of information that is organised so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated. e.g. A school’s database

Advantages of Database

  • Reduces redundancy.
  • Controls data inconsistency.
  • Facilitates data sharing.
  • Ensures data security
  • Integrity can be maintained.


DBMS(DataBase Management System) is a software which helps us establish and implement a database. It consists of a group of programs which helps in storing, retrieving and manipulating data while considering appropriate safety measures. e.g. MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, etc.

Relational Data Model In relational data models, data is organised in tables(rows and columns). These tables are called relations.

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Vansh1 100
Rajat3 99
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Priya2 73

  • Relation : A table storing logically related data.
  • Domain : Pool of values from which the actual values appearing in
    a given column are drawn.
  • a given column are drawn.
  • Tuple/record : row
  • Attribute : Column
  • Degree : no. of Columns in a table.
  • Cardinality : no. of rows in a table.
  • View : A virtual table that doesn’t really exist, but it’s used to view the base table or tables derived from one or more base tables.
  • Primary Key : One or more attributes that can uniquely identify tuples within  the table
  • Candidate Key : All attribute combinations inside a table that are candidates to become primary key.
  • Alternate Key: A candidate key which is not primary key.
  • Foreign key : A non-key attribute whose values are derived from the primary key of some other table, is called foreign key in its current table

SQL(Structured Query Language) is a database language that is recognised by nearly all RDBMSs(Relational DataBase Management System). It contains set of commands that enables us to create and operate on relational databases. 

Why we use SQL? SQL is fast, very high level, platform independent, standardized, portable language which requires almost no coding skills


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