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class 10 important question for Infromation Technology Board Examination SET 1

Class 10- 402 Important question for
Board Examination


Hello friend in this article I am sharing very important questions for Infomation Technology important questions for upcoming board examintion. These question asked in previously examination. These question will helps you in Board exam preparation. Just read these question and get full marks in Board exam .

1.    What is database ? What is its significance?

A database is a collection of logically related data. The Database systems store data centrally at one place where from all applications can get the data required. The centralized storage facilitates many advantages like :

a)    Reduced Redundancy

b)    Data Sharing

c)    Data Consistency

d)    Standardization

e)    Enhance Data Security


 2.  Write short note on DBMS.

A DBMS is a general-purpose software system that facilitates the process of defining, constructing and manipulating databases for various applications.

3.    Write a short note on OOo Base function.

        Base is a database management system part of openoffice.org. It offers many features to mange     databases. With Base, one can manage all information store in a .odb file.

a)              Data into separate storage containers called Table

b)    Add and update table data using form

c)              Find and retrieve just the data, which is required using queries

d)    Analyze or print data in a specific layout using Reports.

4.    What do your understand by table in a database management system?

In a database management system, various types of objects together mange tand maintain the system. Table are one of them.


5.            What is the difference between a flat database and relational database?

In a flat database, all the data is stored in a single file  e.g. a spreadsheet.

In a relational Database, data is stored in multiple tables linked via common fields   BASE of OpenOffice.org is a relational database.


6.            Which of the following is not an example of database?

Cross n Know Game 

Employee Payroll Management

Numeric Calculator.

Customer Management System


7.            What is Primary key?

A primary key is a filed that uniquely identifies the records in a table.

8.            What is the difference between a foreign key and a primary key?

A foreign key is a filed or fields that refer to a primary key of another table while primary key is a filed in a table that uniquely each record in a table.

9.            What is alternate key?

The keys that have the unique values for each record but are not selected as the primary keys are called the alternate keys.

10.          What is foreign key?

A non-primary key field/attribute in a table is called a foreign key if it is primary key in another table.

11.          What is candidate key?

Primary keys and the alternate keys together are called candidate keys. In other words, all fields or field-combination that are eligible to be a primary key, are the candidate keys.

12.          What is Queries?

A query is a statement that gives you filtered data according to your conditions and specifications.

13.          What is form?

A form is an interface in user specified layout that lets users view, enter, change data directly in the table.

14.          What is report?

A Report is an effective way to present data in a printed format. It is a formal, presentable printed document that lists data in formatted manner.

15. What is data type or field type?

The field type tells which type of data (whether numbers or text or date etc.) can be stored in a field. Field type in other words means the data type of the field.

Number Datatype


           Real No

Text datatype



Date datatype


Time datatype


Date/Time datatypes


Boolean Datatypes

         Boolean(stores 0 or 1)

         Date field type stores dates only

         TIME  field type stores time only TIMESTAMP stores both date and time.



The users work on a database using the interface provided to them (such as wizard, design view etc. ). The interface with which users work is called the Front end of the database. However, actual work is done by the Database Server as per the user instructions. This end (of database server) is called the Back end.



16. Consider the following table: Sales                                                                          


a). Write down Cardinality and Degree of Table: Sales

   Short Trick to find out Degree and Cardinality of Table



   C= Columns



   R= ROWS

   Degree for this table is 4

   Cardinality for this table is 4

b. Write SQL commands for the following:

1. Write down SQL Command/Query for the following output.






Hard Disk






Solution :

Select  Sale_Id , Prod_Name from Sales;

2. Display the details alphabetically by product name whose price more than 15000.

Solution: Select * from Sales  where Price >15000 order by Prod_name;

3. Display product name and sales price which is 3 time of the price.

Solution: Select Prod_Name , 3*Price from Sales;

Note: Sales price can be calculated as (3*price)


17. Your friend owns a chemist shop, he needs to keep records of the medicines with their id’s, date of purchase, expiry date, price, etc. in a database program. But he does not have any knowledge about the database. Explain to him the following to get a better understanding of the DBMS concepts.

a)    Write down difference between Primary key and foreign key.



b)    Which field can be set as a Primary Key in following Table: chem_shop?

Solution: Id is used as primary key in This table.

c)    What do you mean by Datatype in DBMS?

Solution: Data types are classifications that identify possible values for and operations that can be done on the data, as well as the way the data in that field is stored in the database. Ex. Char, Varchar,

d)    Write down SQL query to show all details in descending order by price table: chem_shop Solution: Select * from chem_shop order by price desc;


18. What is SQL? What are different categories of commands available in SQL?

Ans: In order to access data within the Oracle database, all programs and users must use, structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the set of Data types are classifications that identify possible values for and operations that can be done on the data, as well as the way the data in that field is stored in the database  commands that is recognised by nearly all RDBMS.

SQL Commands can be divided into following  categories:

  1. Data Definition language (DDL) commands
  2. Data Manipulation Language (DML) Commands
  3. Transaction control language (TCL) commands.
  4. Session Control Commands.
  5. System control commands.


19. Differentiate between DDL and DML commands.

The Data Definition Language (DDL) commands, as the name suggests, allow you to perform tasks related to data definition. That is through these commands you can perform tasks like, create, alter and drop schema objects, grant and revoke privileges etc.

Data Manipulation Language(DML): Commands, as the name suggests, are used to manipulate data. That is, DML commands query and manipulate data in exiting schema objects.

DDL commands : Alter  ,  Drop,  Create, Rename
DML commands : Insert, delete, update, Select

20. Difference between Char and Varchar datatypes.

Ans:The difference between Char and Varchar is that of fixed length and variable length. The Char datatype specifics a fixed length character string. When a column is given datatype as CHAR(n) then MYsql ensures that all values stored in that column have this length. If a value is shorter than this length n then blanks are added, but the size of values remains n byte.

Varchar on the other hand, specifies a variable length string. When a column is given datatype then the maximum size a value in this column can have is n byte. Each value that is store in this column stores exactly as we specify it. Blanks are added if the length is shorter than maximum length n.

21. Consider the following table named: “Garment”. Write command of SQL for following questions

 a.    To display names of those garments that are available in “XL” size


b.    TO display codes and names of those garments that have their names starting with “Ladies”.


c.     To display garments names, codes and price of those garments that have price in the range 1000 to 1500 (both 1000 and 1500 included)


d.    To change the colour of garment with code jas 116 to “Orange”.




 22. A jazz band is uses the database to keep membersship records. This is the part of databased

a) The member number 112 is used twice. Explain why this must be mistake.

MemberNumber uniquely Identifies the members. It is most likely to be the primary key or keyfield. Hence, one value cannot be used more than once in this column. Hence use of 112 twice is wrong as it is the primary key filed.

b) Write down valid member for jugal.

113 (or any other number which is different from earlier entered number numbers.)

c) Name field also has unique values for all the records. Can it made primary key ? why / why not?

Though Name is having unique values as of now, there is no guarantee that if the band grows there would not be multiple people with similar names. Hence, as of now it can be made primary key but should not be made as in future its values may be duplicate.


23. Zest for life collects personal data from member when they join a studio. This data is entered into the members file.


Here is part of the file

  1. State how many records are shown.
  2. Give the SURNAME OF THE YOUNGEST member shown.
  3. Give the MEMER-ID of one of the female members.
  4. The database needs to be sorted in ascending order of surname.
  5. State the Date of Birth of the member who will be first on the sorted list.
  6. Being able to short data is one function of database software.
  7. Give two other function of database software that make it suitable for storing members.


24. The table shows some members of a community centre. Anyone under twenty years old can apply for

junior membership at a lower rate. Use the information given to answer questions. Table Name: company

 a) Write down query to show all records which member type is full.

Select * from company where Member_type =”FULL”;

b) Write down query to show Member_Number, surname, data_of_birth arrange in descending  by member_number.

Select Member_Number, Surname, Date_of_birth order by Member_type desc;


25. Barry runs a small printing company. He wants to store details about his clients in a database.

Complete the following paragraph using the words provided.

FUse each word only once.


Data is stored in tables of ________. Each records is made up of  _______. A database package allows users to query data that meet  _________. __________ can be used to capture data on screen.

26.Database servers are referred to as _______.

Front-end         Back-ends     Clients         Mode

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