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Important question for CBSE class 12 board examination Part 1 : Societal Impact

Important Questions For Board Examination

Class 12 Informatics Practices

Topic: Societal Impact

Code: 065

Hello students in this Article I am sharing very important question for class 12th Informatics practices with python Board examination. I am discussing SOCIETAL IMPACT Chapter. 10 Marks question will be asked from this chapter. In this article i am sharing some important question based on Societal Impact.  This is part 1 second part will be coming soon.

What is intellectual property rights?

Intellectual property right are the rights of the owner of information to decide how much information is to be exchanged, shared or distribute. Also it gives the owner a right to decide the price for  doing (exchanging/Sharing/distributing)

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is stealing someone else's intellectual work and representing it as your own work without citing the source of information.

What is digital property or digital asset?

Digital property refers to any information about you or created by you that exits in digital form, either online or on an electronic storage device.

What is openOffice.org?

It is an open source office applications suite compatible with a popular proprietary office application suite, Microsoft Office. 

Compare open source software and proprietary software.

Open Source software can be freely used but it does not have to be free of charge.

Proprietary Software is the software that is neither open not freely available. Its source code is not  available, further distribution and modification is either forbidden or requires special permission but the supplier or vendor.

Name two open source software alongwith their application.

  • OpenOffice.org - Office application suite;
  • Linux -  operating system

Name two proprietary software along with their application.

  • MS-Office - Office application suite
  • MS-Windows - Operating system.

Name tow threats to digital properties.

  • Digital software penetration tools
  • Stealing and plagiarizing codes of digital properties.

What is IAD?

When a person can't find a balance between their time online and their time offline, it considerably affects their mental health, theirs condition is called internet addiction or Internet Addiction disorder(IAD)

Define Digital Foot Print

Digital Footprints are the records and traces of the online activities of a user, performed while suing Internet. Digital footprints are permanently stored.

Example of Digital Foot Print:

  • Websites visited by you
  • Facebook check-ins
  • Using google map for a destination

What is cyber crime?

Any criminal offense that is facilitated by, or involves the use of, electronic communications or involves the use of electronics communications or information systems, including any electric devices, computer, or the internet is referred to as Cyber Crime.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is the practice of attempting to acquire sensitive information from individuals over the Internet, by means of deception, i.e. Through authentic looking links.

What is Scam?

Any fraudulent business practice that extracts money from an unsuspecting, ignorant person is called a SCAM.

What is online Identity Theft?

Online identity theft is the theft of personal information in order to commit fraud.

Mention at least three net etiquette.

  • Refrain from personal abuse.
  • Never spam.
  • Always post correct content in respectful language.

Mention at least three email etiquette.

  • Be concise and to the point.
  • Use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.
  • Do not write in Capitals (Case Sensitivity)

What is copyright?

A copyright is a legal term to describe the rights of the creator of an original creative work such as literary work, an artistic work, a design, song, movies or software etc.

What is hacking?

Hacking refers to gaining unauthorized access to a network or computer or digital files, with an intention to steal or manipulate data r information or tho install malware.

What is cyber bullying?

Cyber bullying is a cyber crime that occurs when someone used the internet, a cell phone, email, instant messaging, chat rooms, or social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter etc, to harass, demean, embarrass, or intimidate someone else.

What is cyber stalking?

Cyber stalking is a cyber crime that involves online harassment wherein the victim is subjected to a barrage of online messages and emails.

What are some common threats (Offline and online) to data? Just mention the names.

Viruses, Worms, Trojans horses, Spyware, Adware, Spamming, Eavesdropping, hacking, Phishing etc.

What are computer viruses?

Computer viruses are malicious codes/programs that cause damage to data and files on a system, Computer viruses either corrupt the data or cause irregular functioning of the computer or both.

What is Worms?

A worm is self-replicating program which eats up the entire disk space or memory, A worm keeps on creating its copies until all the disk space or memory is filled.

What are Trojan horses?

A Trojan hours is a program that appears harmless but actually perform malicious function such as deleting or damaging files.

What is cookies?

A cookies or a web cookie a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser (in text file) while a user is browsing a website.

What is a firewall?

A firewall is a network security system, either hardware-or software-base, that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on a set of rules.

Type of Digital Foot Print

A passive digital footprint is created when data is collected without the owner knowing. A more personal aspect of your passive digital footprint is your search history, which is saved by some search engines while you are logged in.


Active digital footprints are created when a user, for the purpose of sharing information about oneself by means of websites or social media, deliberately. An "active digital footprint" includes data that you intentionally submit online. Sending an email contributes to your active digital footprint, since you expect the data be seen and/or saved by another person. The more email you send, the more your digital footprint grows.


What is Cyber Crime?

Cybercrime is defined as “cybercrime (computer crime) is an illegal behavior, done through electronic operations, that targets the security of computer systems and the data processed by them”.



Define Indian-IT Act, 2000

1.     Information technology act 2000/ITA-2000/IT act is an act of the Indian parliament notified on 17 oct 2000.

2.     This primary law deals with cybercrimes and electronic commerce in India.

3.     It consists of 94 sections that are divided into 13 chapters and 4 schedules

4.     A person of others nationalities can also be indicated under the law if the crime involves a computer or network located in India, which means the law applies to the whole of India.

5.     The IT Act,2000 has provisions that permits the interception, monitoring of traffic data.



Plagiarism should be avoided by the following simple measures:

1.     Use your own ideas and words.

2.     Always provide a reference or give credit to the source from where you have received information.

3.     Cite the name of the website, a URL or the name of authors, and acknowledge them if you have used their work after rearranging the order of a sentence and changing some of the work.

4.     Take the information in the form of bulleted notes in your words.

5.     Use online tools to check for plagiarism.

6.     Develop your writing skills.


Why E-Waste Hazards ?

Mostly all electronic waste comprises of toxic chemicals such as lead, beryllium, mercury etc. Improper disposing of gadgets and devices increases the amount of these toxic chemicals thus contaminated the soil, causing air and water pollution.

The contaminated water which is highly polluted it thus making it harmful for drinking purposes.

Improper e-waste recycling, such as by open burning and acid baths creates hazardous and toxic compounds like- dioxins, furans and acids. Damage to the immune system

1.     Skin disease.

2.     Multi ailments.

3.     Skin problems E-Waste Management


Need of E-Waste Management ?

E-waste management requires proper recycling and recovery of the disposed material. The recycling and recovery process includes following steps

1. Dismantling:- removal of parts containing valuable items such as- copper, silver, gold, steel and removal of parts containing dangerous substance like- mercury, lead, Beryllium etc.

2. Separation metal and plastic

3. Refurbishment and reuse:- it means used electrical and electronic items that can be easily remodel to make it’s to reuse.

4. Recovery of valuable materials

5. Disposal of dangerous materials like- mercury, lead, Beryllium etc and disposed off in underground landfill sites.


Awareness about health concerns related to the use of Technology

1.     Neck strain

2.     Vision Problem

3.     Sense of isolation

4.     Sleeping disorder

5.     Stress

6.     Loss of attention

7.     Problem in social relationships of individuals.

8.     Computer anxiety

9.     Internet addiction etc.


In order to avoid these problems-

1.     One should learn how to use these technologies without experiencing any problem rather than avoiding using them.

2.     Some of the users of computer technologies are not even aware of their health-related problems that they have.

3.     Some of those who are aware of their illnesses see a doctor for various reasons. Users of computer

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