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Class 12 Important Viva Questions For Informatics Practices Practical Examination.

 Class 12 Important Viva Questions 

Subject : Informatics Practices

Subject Code- 065


Hello friend in this article I am sharing very important questions for Infromatics practices viva question which were asked in previously viva Practical examination. These question will helps you in Practical Viva preparation. Just read these question and get full marks in viva. Let start important question for Informatics Practices Viva / Practical Examination.

  1. What is python?

            Python is an open source, platform independent, high level and interpreted language.

  1. What is the full form of IDLE?

            Integrated Development Learning Environment.

  1. In which mode we get result immediately after executing the command?

            Interactive mode.

  1. What are the name of two mode of python.

            Interactive Mode and Script Mode

  1. What do you mean by comments in Python?

            Non executable lines are called comments.

  1. Which symbols are sued for single line comments?


  1. What do you mean by Variable?

            Named Storage location of value is called variable?

  1. Write code to find the address of variable ‘X’

 Id command is used to find the address of variable. To find the address of variable “X ”    code is 

            >>> id(X)

  1. What do you mean by data type?

            Data Type refers to the type of value used for example integer, float string etc.

  1. Name five primitive Data type in python.

            Numbers, String, List, Tuple and Dictionary.

Class 12 Important Viva Questions 

Subject : Informatics Practices

Subject Code- 065


#Which method is used ot accept data from the user?

input() method

#Write the output of the following.





#Write the doe to display all keywords in python.

Import keywords 


#Write the output of the following command.

str=”informatics ”



#What do you mean by Escape sequence?

The sequence of characters after backslash is called escape sequence.  Example   “\n”,”\a” etc.\

#What is None Data Type?

This data type is used to define null value or no value.  

m= None

Now the variable “m” is not pointing to any value, instead it is pointing to None.

#What do you mean by Operator?

Operators are special symbols which perform a special task on values or variables. Some operators can behave differently on different data types.

#What is the output of 2%5?

#What is the difference between “=” and “==” ?

 “=” is an assignment operator while “==” is a comparison operator.

#What is the difference between ‘a’ and “a” in python?

No difference as String can be enclosed in Single or double quotes.

#What is the difference between “/” and “//” operator?

Division operator (/) return the quotient in decimal while Floor Division Operator (//) returns quotient as  Integer.

#What is the purpose of break statement?

Break statement is is used to forcefully terminate the loop even the condition is true.

#Write the output of the following.




#Identify the invalid variable names from the following and specify the reason also.





e) s name

24Apple : variable can not start with number

#sum : variable can not start from special characters.

for: keyword can not be used as variable.

S name : Spaces are not allowed in variable name.

#What do you mean by binary and unary operators? Give one example of each.

Binary operators work on tow or more operands like Division(+), Multiplication(*).



Unary operators work only on one operand like Subtraction(-)


What is the different Between Size and Count function in pandas?

#Size defined as Size counts NaNs         

#Count Define as Count does not count NaNs 

Size does indeed count NaNs, this is actually a consequence of the fact that size returns the size (or the length) of the object it is called on. Let us under stand with example. In this example we define a list and passed to Series, after all of this we apply attribute.


Photos e Size on series object  and apply count function with it.

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np







more questions coming soon   ......  

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