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Class 10 Session 6 Online blog and offline Blog | Web Application notes

Hello student in this article we will share important notes for class 10 Session 7 of Web application. In this section we will learn about Blogs and How to write online or offline blogs. logs are similar to an online personal diary and simple to use. You can use a blog to convey messages about events, announcements, news, reviews, etc. Blogs are usually managed using a web browser and this requires active internet connection. let us start the Topics. 

A blog is a discussion style site used by non-technical (or technical users) users for creating personal web pages. Blogs are similar to an online personal diary and simple to use. You can use a blog to convey messages about events, announcements, news, reviews, etc. Blogs are usually managed using a web browser and this requires active internet connection. You can also use offline blog software to create content first and later publish the content when an active internet connection is available. there are hundreds of websites that offer blog service for free. Some of the popular blogs include: 

  • www.WordPress.com 
  • www.blogger.com 
  • www.blog.com 
  • www.weebly.com 
  • www.blogsome.com
Creating a Blog Account in this session, you will learn how to create a blog account in Blogger. Blogger is free web service that you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. Blogger has support for “themes” for customizing the design of a blog. Themes can make the blog or the web pages look attractive. 
  • Before you start using a blog, a blog account is required. To create one, you need a web browser and an internet connection. 
  • Open the Web Browser. 
  • On the address bar type www.blogger.com. You should now get to a page with the felds Blog address, Username, Password, Email Address and Language. 
  • Blog Address: You must provide a unique address to your blogger Blog. this is the address which others will use to view your blog. 
  • Username: You should choose a username for managing this blog.
  • Password: Securing your Blogger blog account with a strong password is important. A combination of uppercase and lowercase letters with some digits along with symbols would be a strong enough password. You need to enter the password twice. 
  • Email Address: You must provide your Email Address here. An activation link will be send to you from blogger after you click “Create Blog”. 
  • Language: You can choose your own language for blogging from the list given. 
  • Click Create Blog.
Once you have created a blog, you need to submit content that you want others to view. this process ids called posting content. 
  • To create a post, click New Post. A Window similar to the one displayed below appears
  • Title: You must provide a title for your post; choose a tile that this post will focus on. For example, “ Class 10 Session 7 Internet Security Code 402 | Web Application ”. Using the rich text box, you can type content that you want others to read. Once you have finished typing the content, you need to publish the post for others to see. Click Publish Post to publish your content. to view the post, you can type the blog address in  the address bar of the web browser, you should see your blog along with the post (displayed

You can also add photos, videos, etc. to the blog using the options available in Blogger.You can comment on posts published by others. Usually, the comment option is available towards the end of the post. Look for options such as Leave a comment, Leave a reply, etc. in the blog to comment. For example, in Blogger the comment box is located below the post and labelled as Leave a reply

If you do not have an active internet connection, you can create blogs using a blog application and publish the blog whenever internet connectivity is available. There are several free offline blog editors available that can be downloaded and installed on the local computer such as:
  • Qumana 
  • Windows Live Writer 
  • Blogdesk In this exercise, 

you will learn to use an offline blog editor Qumana. Qumana is a free blog application that is simple and easy to use. in this exercise, you will learn about using Qumana. 
Note: You need to download and Install Qumana. Qumana can be downloaded from www.qumana.com. Once installed, you can use the program to manage blogs.

Launching Qumana 
  • To launch Qumana, Click Start > Programs > Qumana > Qumana. 
  • You can also Double-click on the Qumana icon on the desktop if available.

You need an existing blog account to use with Qumana. In this exercise, you will learn to use your existing WordPress account with Qumana. Enter your WordPress blog address and Click Next. 
  • A login window appears. You need to provide details of your Blogger account. However, if you wish to use it for other blog services, you need to enter appropriate details. 
  • Give the Blogger blog address in the Web address field. Enter the Username and password of the Blogger account. 
  • Click Next > Finish. A window similar to the one below appears

If posts are already available in your blog, Qumana will download and display the existing blogs
as well.to create a post,
  • Click New Post.
  • A window similar to the one below will be displayed (fgure below)

Note: Enter the title for the post in the Title feld and the post content in the area given below the page title. 
Click Publish Post. Once you click Publish Post, the post will get automatically updated to your Blogger.com blog.

To view the published content, open the web browser and type your blog address. You can include photos or pictures in your blog to make it attractive. to insert a picture, to view the published content along with the picture, open the web browser and type in your blog address. now try using other blog applications such as Windows Live Writer, Blogdesk, etc. using different blog accounts

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Offline blog editor What is blog Class 10 List any five offline blog editor Class 10 Types of blog Class 10 What is required to configure an offline editor like Qumana Explain the purpose of a blog Class 10 Explain the purpose of an offline blog editor What is Qumana

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