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Class 10 Session 7 Internet Security Code 402 | Web Application

Hello student in this article we will share important notes for class 10 Session 7 of Web application. In this section we will learn about internet Security. Now a days it is a major concern. Before using internet we have to care about our personal data. let us start the Topics.


Cyber SECURITY It is a branch of computer security specifically related to the internet, involving browser security and also network security. 

Objectives of Internet Security : The main objective of internet security is to establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the internet.

Online Threats

The threats / vulnerabilities that uses World Wide Web (Internet) to facilitate crimes are called Online Threats.Like:-

Phishing :- The act of acquiring personal / private and sensitive data from personal computers for use in fraudulent activities. 

For eg. Mails from unknown persons that ask for your credit / debit card details.

Email spoofing :- It is the creation of email messages with a forged sender address. 

For eg. Sending an email with a forged email address which appears to be original. These mails are infected mails which contain worms. 

Chat Spoofing:- Spoofing means hoax, trick, or deceive which contains false information. Hiding / Faking the identity of another person over the internet is called chat spoofing.

Best practices for security over Internet

1) Use strong passwords: A combination of alphanumeric and special characters could be used for creating a password that is not so easy to crack or guessed by other users. General Guidelines for strong password 

  • a) Keep the length of the password at least 12-14 characters if permitted. 
  • b) Avoid keeping passwords based on repetition words, dictionary words, usernames, pet names etc. 
  • c) Include numbers and symbols in passwords. 
  • d) Use Capital and lowercase letters. 
  • e) Avoid using same password for multiple sites or purposes. 
  • f) Avoid using something that the public or workmates know you strongly like or dislikes. 

You may also use websites such as www.strongpasswordgenerator.com that can generate random strong passwords. to generate a strong password using www.strongpasswordgenerator.com do the following:
    • Open any web browser. Type www.strongpasswordgenerator.com in the address bar and press Enter.
    •  Click Generate strong password. Notice the password displayed under your new password.

2. Backup your data: Always keep copies of data in CD, pendrives etc, so it could be helpful in situation when there is a loss of data. 

3. Use Encryption software: Use encrypted software available within the operating software to protect data from unauthorized users.

4. Keep username and password private: Never save passwords or usernames on computers that are used in shared environments like net café. 

5. Registering with website: Read privacy policy whenever you register with a website, the policy will include information about how the website use personal data. 

6. Do not share personal information: Be cautious when filling out forms on internet. Because your personal information or emails could be used by unauthorized users to send fake or unwanted emails. So, first research and verify if it’s a trusted website or not before providing personal information to any website. 

7. Secure transactions: It is always recommended to use only secure websites for online shopping or transactions, because these websites store your credit card or online banking personal information. Verify if the website uses secure transaction, usually it is indicated through a digital certificate represented as a golden lock in the web browser’s address bar. 

8. Use Antivirus and antispyware software: These softwares protect your computer from any changes by malwares/threats. Keep these  softwares up to date. 

9. Do not immediately respond to mails from unknown users: Some mails, that promise you jobs or announce lottery results, may contain virus or scripts or they can try to gather your personal information. Never open the attachments from unknown persons. 

10. Install firewalls: Firewalls keep your system and network secure. They could be software or hardware. So, Install and configure your firewall. 

11. Regularly update your operating system and software applications. 

12. When you visit websites, cookies are created on your system that may contain your personal or logon details. Clear browser cookies frequently so that your logon details could not be tracked by unauthorized users

13. Install frewalls: Firewalls could be software or hardware and can assist in keeping a computer and a network secure. Firewalls analyze the network traffc and determine if the traffc should be allowed or not. In most cases, operating systems such as Linux, Windows or Mac include frewall software as a part of operating system thus keeping the computer secure. in rare cases, you may need to confgure your frewall for additional security. 

14. Never install software from unknown sources: As they might not be trustworthy; download only from well-known or reputed websites. Verify the source if it is legitimate by searching the internet or referring to comments from other users before downloading them; understand the nature and the purpose of the software before attempting to download and install them.

15.Remove unwanted or unknown software applications: these might have got installed without your knowledge when you have visited some websites. Unwanted software could get installed as they might have been bundled along with necessary software. Some programs such as toolbars get installed usually through bundled software and are programmed to send personal data without your consent.

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